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PAGE Unit 2 Is this your pencil ? 第一课时 Teaching aims: A.Learn to use the drills of this lesson and make full use of it in daily conversations. 1.-Is this your pencil? -Yes,it is.It’s my pencil. 2.-Is that your backpack? -No,it isn’t.It’s his backpack. B.Learn the following words and phrases: Backpack; ruler; pencil sharpener; thank you; baseball; computer; key; notebook; ring… C.Practise the conversations. Teaching methods: Discussion; A short play Teaching aids: Cards and real objects Teaching process: Step1. Greetings Step2.Presentation Let the Ss write a few words they know about school things Learn the words with the help of the cards. Listen and number the conversations. Discuss in groups: Is this /that…? Yes,it is./No, it isn’t. Step3.Group work Identify ownership by giving the Ss a real scene and make up a dialogue. Step4. Exercises Hand out a piece of test paper. Step5.Homework Write a dialogue of 60 words or so according to the drills in this lesson. 第二课时 一.任务设计展示 能准确听出所学学习用具的单词。 能正确应用和拼写所学的单词。 能口头应用以下句型:(1)Is this ……? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. (2) What’s this in English? (3)How do you spell…….? 二.教学难.重点 一般疑问句Is this …….?及其肯定,否定回答. 特殊疑问句What’s this in English ? 和How do you spell ……?的运用. 三.教具 录音机, 单词卡片, 尺子等学习用品 . 四.教学过程 复习 教师手拿一些实物,如尺子等,用What’s this ? It’s a ….? 来复习学过的单词ruler,pencil,backpack等. 同时出示单词卡片让学生来拼读, 为后面练习新句型做好准备. 给学生放录音,让学生做课本的2a. 找学生回答,集体订正,然后集体朗读这几个单词. 在练习2b之前,可以先让学生仿照着自己编一组对话.找几组起来练习,然后听录音,学生填写答案.最后,全班分成两组,多读几遍,以起到巩固的作用. 4. Pairwork (1)老师拿出一些相关的学习用品问同学们:What’s this in English? 帮助同学们回答:It’s a/an….. (2)同学们根据老师的演示进行问和答(同桌之间或小组之间),大约进行五分中时间. (3)找几组同学把他们的对话表演出来. (4)最后,全班分两组问答进行巩固. 五. 游戏 让同学们放一些学习用品到老师的书包里,并且一定要记住自己的东西. 老师从书包里拿出一些学习用品用Is this your……?句型来寻找物主,学生只有两次猜的机会. 让同学们自己做这个游戏. 六.家庭作业 识记单词: pencil sharpener book eraser ruler backpack dictionary 做游戏Find the owner 造一段对话用Is this your…?What’s this in English? How do you spell…? 用本课所学单词及句型分组编对话. 第三课时 一、 学习目标 能够使用目标语言询问东西的所属 能够使用目标语言寻找物主 能够熟练运用目标语言写出拾物招领和寻物启


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